Postural defects in students – their identification and correction


Sibiu, Romania


580 euro


6 zile



In today’s culture, everyone seems to be constantly connected to a device, whether it’s a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Neglected postures such as rounding the back during long periods of time in front of the computer, sleeping improper posture and poor lifting of objects can lead to chronic back pain. Maintaining the natural lumbar curve of the back is essential in preventing posture-related back pain. This natural curvature acts as a shock absorber, helping to distribute weight along the length of the spine. Inevitably, a sedentary lifestyle results in thousands of hours spent with your body resembling a human question mark, head protruding, shoulders rounded. Early education of students about the correct postures is mandatory in order to have healthy individuals. In order to achieve our goals, we need perseverance, creativity and effective collaboration with students, parents and teachers. Right from the start school we should be concerned with the positions adopted by the students and their lifestyles. Through this project, we try to get the children to adopt correct positions on a daily basis, which will make life easier further. A life without pain is a life of good quality. Movement is known to have other important benefits for the body as well benefits such as better concentration, better coordination of movements, improvement memory and school performance. What are postural defects? Postural defects are deviations or deviations from a correct alignment of the segments body during daily activities. These behaviors can have a negative impact on the health of the spine, joints and muscles, contributing to problems pain and discomfort. One of the most common posture defects is the hunchback, o condition in which the spine bends excessively in the area of the shoulders and upper back, which which can lead to breathing problems and pain. Another common example is shoulder position forward, also known as “dropped shoulders”, which can cause tension in the neck area and shoulders, as well as a decrease in flexibility. Adopting a healthy lifestyle would be the first step for our health. But the concept of a healthy lifestyle is a complex one and requires a concentration of our efforts on overcoming harmful habits (unhealthy diet, lack of movement, poor postures during daily activities). After returning to school after a long period of online education, I noticed the apathy with which students approach classes, especially those of physical education, apathetically due to the lack of movement over a longer period of time and poor postures. Lack of physical activity leads to poor posture (correct bench position, for example), and over time will lead to joint pain and muscular.

Upcoming sessions
19.08.2024 > 24.08.2024 – Confirmed
09.12.2024 > 14.12.2024 – Confirmed

14.03.2025 > 19.03.2025 – Confirmed


Course details

Course organiser: Kontera Design SRL
Location: Sibiu, Romania
Price: 580 euro
Number of participants: 8
Language: Română, Engleză, Franceză
Topics: Sanatate, nutriție, postură corectă, educație outdoor
Key competences: Identificare pozitii incorecte la clasa si pe strada, identificare probleme posturale,Conștientizare și exprimare culturală; Limbi străine; Dezvoltare personală, socializare și de învățare
Target audience: Profesori și manageri școlari, nivel preșcolar, primar, gimnazial și liceal, Orice alte persoane interesate de curs
Certification on completion: Da

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